Search Results for: racist white people

Donald Trump Gives Russia Classified Intel

Donald Trump Endangers National Security Revealing Classified Information

Developing story: Donald Trump has endangered the National Security of the United States. He recently disclosed classified information to Russia in a meeting that he didn’t allow United States Press to cover. He did allow Russian press to attend this meeting, and photos from that meeting leaked out. That meeting happened one day after Trump

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Jefferson Davis Confederate President

Down Goes Jefferson Davis: with Commentary from Tariq Nasheed

Yesterday the Statue of Jefferson Davis finally came tumbling down. These ancient symbols of American Terrorism of blacks and all non-whites continue to haunt this nation. As new generations are born in the South, and are brainwashed to believe that their Confederate Flag means anything but ‘we hate Niggers & Yankees’ these cycles of hate

Down Goes Jefferson Davis: with Commentary from Tariq Nasheed Read More »