Search Results for: Donald Trump

dishonest administration allowed to run america

Dishonest Administration: 4,600+ not 64 Dead In Puerto Rico

The dishonest administration strikes once again, leaving me to wonder how many strikes they get? We know that absolutely none of what we have been tolerating from the dishonest administration would have been tolerated under Barack Obama.  Had Hillary Clinton actually won, she’d already be impeached or locked up by now, had any of this

Dishonest Administration: 4,600+ not 64 Dead In Puerto Rico Read More »

Jeff Sessions Perjurer (Lying Under Oath)

Was It Perjury? Jeff Sessions Confronted by Ted Lieu and Hakeem Jeffries

Did Attorney General Jeff Sessions commit perjury? By the time Senators Ted Lieu and Hakeem Jeffries finish questioning him, the answer ‘should’ jump out. What also jumped out about this exchange is that our Attorney General knows the law, very well.  Knowing that each Senator only has 5 minutes, he takes as much time as he

Was It Perjury? Jeff Sessions Confronted by Ted Lieu and Hakeem Jeffries Read More »

Comey Day arrived

Comey Day on SoPoCo Featuring Twitter

Let’s get right into it because we know what day it is. It’s Comey Day! (or #ComeyDay on Twitter) Here it is, presented by ABCNews on YouTube Trump's damage control team r digging a bigger hole for Trump and his affiliates. Trump's a liar! #ComeyTestimony #ComeyDay #ComeyHearings — Rocki (@OLipstickBandit) June 8, 2017 It's

Comey Day on SoPoCo Featuring Twitter Read More »

Congressional Black Caucus Scene on House of Cards

Senator Conway Meets Congressional Black Caucus (House of Cards)

More Spoilers for anyone not caught up on Season 5 of House of Cards. This Review only goes through Episode 6, Who’s the Boss.  In this episode a powerful scene unfolds as Senator Conway meets the Congressional Black Caucus. The scene explores yet, another real issue in our society. It’s linked to the ongoing discussion

Senator Conway Meets Congressional Black Caucus (House of Cards) Read More »