
Lead Writer for – mostly interested in helping America get back to its roots of respect for Free Speech and Respectful Discussion.


white privilege exists even if a lie is repeated that it does not

Reality: White Privilege Exists Even If Whites Do Not Think So

The reality we all need to come to an agreement on, is that White Privilege Exists.  It exists, even if whites get on soapboxes, forums, reddit and twitter to declare it doesn’t!  With so many whites using social media to scream otherwise, it may seem that all of these people have a point. They do […]

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Pro Life people and inconsistent views on immigration and black lives

Pro Life Abortion and Immigration

Cold game here…  (thoughts on, Pro Life, Abortion & Immigration) I’ve actually reached out to a few conservatives; on a few platforms; telling them that their views are inconsistent; this is one of those examples of inconsistency. I’m pro-life myself; that’s why i share awareness of the dangers ‘black lives‘ are in on the daily.

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From Banning Blacks Only To Banning Alex Jones, Milos & Farrakhan

Banning blacks on facebook has been ‘a thing’ for several years.  By now you may have heard, that Facebook has banned  what they are calling ‘dangerous people’ such as Alex Jones (Infowars), Milo, Laura Loomer, Paul Joseph Watson … all who express anti-black positions. All of them express pro-white nationalist positions. While I do not

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government involvement breaks up truces

History of Government Involvement In L.A. Gangs (Bloods & Crips)

The History of Government Involvement in L.A. Gangs …. To really understand CoInTelPro … is where it begins. It’s a link between the distant past; and the present. CoInTelPro never stopped; and if you understand why it was created; why it was put together; and what it did/does :: then you won’t be arguing with

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dog park debbie

Dog Park Debbie: More White People Calling Police on Blacks

I also Saw Dog Park Debbie … along with her sidekick; always on code; Again all of these are JUST reminders, that black people go through this every day in this nation — the only thing that’s NEW is Cell phones, and 4g Internet speed .. —- Hopefully allll these videos are helping people

Dog Park Debbie: More White People Calling Police on Blacks Read More »