
Lead Writer for – mostly interested in helping America get back to its roots of respect for Free Speech and Respectful Discussion.


Black Avengers Assemble

The Black Avengers Assemble: Tariq, Prof. Black Truth, TBA

This was quite possibly one of the blackest conversations to take place in 2019. I am thankful my ears were blessed by it. Someone in the comment said, ‘The Black Avengers Assemble”. That’s what this was like, when Tariq Nasheed had The Black Authority (TBA) and Professor Black Truth BOTH call in, to discuss the

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medieval wall of trump

The Medieval Wall That Shut Down America (Senator Michael Bennet Goes Off on Lying Ted)

Let’s get into the Medieval Wall Almost unbelievable what is going on in America and yet, very believable at the same time. Today an incredible ‘speech’ was given down on Capital Hill.  Senator Michael Bennet had a problem with comments from Senator Ted Cruz. So ironic that ‘lying Ted’ would support 45, who gave him

The Medieval Wall That Shut Down America (Senator Michael Bennet Goes Off on Lying Ted) Read More »

the ballot and black people (Roland Martin, Tariq Nasheed, Yvette Carnell)

The Ballot: Roland Martin vs Tariq Nasheed (Part One: Immigrants, Asians, Muslims GOP)

More than 50 years ago now, Malcolm X talked about The Ballot or the Bullet. Recently, Roland Martin and Tariq Nasheed went ‘back and forth’ over whether black people should be voting.  They are a microcosm of a much larger discussion that is, and has been going on in black america.  It’s not a recent

The Ballot: Roland Martin vs Tariq Nasheed (Part One: Immigrants, Asians, Muslims GOP) Read More »

Minority Students Do Better On Equal Playing Fields (Bill & Melinda Gates)

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was featured on 60 minutes, and it was eye opening. I knew some of this already but, like ‘me’ Bill Gates was in search of Data. His foundation, with his wife Melinda Gates, has been sending several people from Low income homes to College.  While sitting down to

Minority Students Do Better On Equal Playing Fields (Bill & Melinda Gates) Read More »

michael eric dyson speaks at aretha franklin's homegoing

Michael Eric Dyson At Aretha Franklin Homegoing Service

Talking to the ‘orange apparition’, Dr. Michael Eric Dyson says …. “she didn’t work for you, she worked beyond you! Get your preposition right!” – That’s how I’m going to start this out while introducing some content to you, that needs to be on the pages of This is social political commentary at its

Michael Eric Dyson At Aretha Franklin Homegoing Service Read More »

innocent people plea guilty; rich people go to trial

Innocent People Plea Guilty All The Time: Broken Justice System

Why would innocent people plea guilty, instead of going to trial?  One of the things I came to realize several years ago, is how little I, and others, understand the ‘justice system’ of America. Revecntly John Olivery broke down our Broken Justice System on his HBO television show. The points contained within are important for

Innocent People Plea Guilty All The Time: Broken Justice System Read More »

dishonest administration allowed to run america

Dishonest Administration: 4,600+ not 64 Dead In Puerto Rico

The dishonest administration strikes once again, leaving me to wonder how many strikes they get? We know that absolutely none of what we have been tolerating from the dishonest administration would have been tolerated under Barack Obama.  Had Hillary Clinton actually won, she’d already be impeached or locked up by now, had any of this

Dishonest Administration: 4,600+ not 64 Dead In Puerto Rico Read More »