
Lead Writer for – mostly interested in helping America get back to its roots of respect for Free Speech and Respectful Discussion.


tariq nasheed on anti-hetero black male agenda

Anti-Hetero Black Male Agenda Addressed by Tariq; RIP Cynthia G & Toure

Tariq Nasheed decided to address the anti-Hetero Black Male agenda, an agenda who’s existence often is denied.  It’s almost like white people with racism. We all know that racism is a problem and yet white people never admit it. Ask any white person if racism exists today, and they’ll play it down 90% of the

Anti-Hetero Black Male Agenda Addressed by Tariq; RIP Cynthia G & Toure Read More »

this is america: childish gambino, interracial dating and pro blackness

This Is America: Childish Gambino, Interracial Dating and Pro Blackness

This is America, Interracial Dating, Donald Glover (Childish Gambino) and Pro-Blackness …. opening thoughts. This topic gets way too Oversimplified ….. I was on IG recently talking about new revelations; stuff i never knew that I became aware of because of people ‘hating on Donald‘, saying he isn’t pro-black, ‘because of who he dates’ therefore

This Is America: Childish Gambino, Interracial Dating and Pro Blackness Read More »

twitter is pro-nazi white supremacist platform

Twitter Is A Pro-Nazi White Supremacist Platform

You may have heard of Nazi White supremacist platforms like stormfront and 4chan. Well go ahead and add Twitter to that list as well. Twitter is a pro-nazi white supremacist platform. Our twititer handles, @kingceo_sopoco and @sopoconow were Suspended, because we recommended Punching Nazi’s.  White supremacists on twitter got upset, and flagged our accounts. Because

Twitter Is A Pro-Nazi White Supremacist Platform Read More »

thug george zimmerman is free ... somehow

Criminal Thug George Zimmerman Charged With Stalking Trayvon Martin Producer

Feeding black people to alligators is a historical Racist Act. Please understand that racism has context, and is not just about people ‘not liking’ other people. It is dangerous and often negatively impacts black lives. This was the case when Criminal thug George Zimmerman first came on the scene. After he stalked, and murdered Trayvon

Criminal Thug George Zimmerman Charged With Stalking Trayvon Martin Producer Read More »

Black Excellence

Black Excellence: Beychella, Black Panther, Bands & Beyond

What is Black Excellence Really? …. I was sitting here and thinking that very thing while watching a performance by the Dancing Dolls of Southern University. For those unfamiliar, that is a Historically Black College/University (HBCU), with one of the best marching bands in the land. I personally didn’t attend an HBCU so I have

Black Excellence: Beychella, Black Panther, Bands & Beyond Read More »

Racial Bias Training: Is That The Solution (Starbucks Closing For A Day)

Is Racial Bias Training the solution for Starbucks? In fact, who is really at fault for the store manager calling the police on the gentlemen? Is it Starbucks ‘store policy’ to call the police on people sitting in their locations who have not purchased anything, or isn’t that their business model?  Commentary below from The

Racial Bias Training: Is That The Solution (Starbucks Closing For A Day) Read More »

Is User Privacy Just A Facebook Responsibility? (Mark Zuckerberg On Trial)

Is User Privacy really entirely the responsibility of the platform or the user of the platform? This is the real question at the heart of this hearing that took place today, where Mark Zuckerberg, CEO & Founder of Facebook testified before Congress.  NBC’s replay of the Live stream (all 4 hours) is below. Please feel

Is User Privacy Just A Facebook Responsibility? (Mark Zuckerberg On Trial) Read More »