Indy Reviews: Volume One



Impressive and Compelling

They Prefer the Night.

An intriguing title for an equally enthralling tale. Everything about this novelette will capture and devour you as its prey; the luscious nineteenth century setting in Ireland, genuine vernacular references, the gripping plot, and fantastical characters.

Indulge and submerge yourself into a world unlike any other. Vampires of every pedigree roam the land, while Druids serve to protect the sides of both good and evil. With prophecies, and an enchanting groundwork for a sequel, who could ask for more?

Dawn Brown is a rich storyteller, and one that you should add to your virtual bookshelf. This reviewer guarantees that you will find that you do, indeed, prefer the night.

Let’s keep it real: Should you really read this? Yes. If you enjoy reading about vampires, historical fiction and need something original to add to your collection, I highly recommend They Prefer the Night.

Have Amazon Prime? Borrow this novelette for free! 

A Subliminal Treat
Family is the single most important aspect of our lives. Join Philip Nork as he digs deep into his kinfolks past, his lineage, and ultimately, a promising future. Legends of the Lake, while not being perfect, has an undeniable charm and an underlying depth of emotion that will truly touch your heart.

This novel is like a cool sip of water on a scorching summers’ noontide. Philip captures everything about the good ol’ days, and leaves the reader satisfied, but somehow, still wanting more. This is a work of beauty, and a shining testament of that never-ending cycle of that which makes us human: love, mistakes, loss, and gain. There is something tangibly refreshing about being able to relate to the stories woven between the pages.

Philip enthralls and entertains the reader with several tall tales, and legends about his family and their cottage in Wisconsin. Who can say what is true, and what is fiction? All that this reviewer can say for certain is: Give Legends of the Lake a chance, and you will not be sorry.

Let’s keep it real: Should you buy this book? That depends. This is one of Philip Nork’s earlier works, and he never had it professionally edited. To say that it is riddled with grammar issues is an understatement. Honestly, if you have thick skin, and you like folksy reads, then do give it a chance. If not, I recommend his two newer books, which are award winners.

Philip Nork on Amazon

About Linds McDonald

Hello, there!

There is not much to know about me, really, except that I am an aspiring writer. I am currently working on two projects. First, and foremost, I have been working away on my novel, currently titled “As Clay”. My great-grandparents came to America from Ireland in the 1900s, and my strong Irish heritage has always interested me. “As Clay” is a fantastical but Christian tale of Irish history, and I hope, the first in a trilogy. (Planned titles are: “As Clay”, “Burning”, and “Vessel”.)

Isaiah 64:8
Yet you, LORD, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.

2 Corinthians 4:7
But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.

My less serious, but possibly more engrossing, project that I have been working on is, I am a little abashed to say, a fan fiction for Harry Potter. I know that it sounds completely juvenile, lol. But it is great fun, and a very productive learning experience. It’s titled “Still I Rise” and is inspired by Maya Angelou’s poem of the same name.